Tuesday, December 13, 2011

There Comes a Chance

April 15, 1942

Woody’s attempts at uplifting Mama’s spirit have all seemingly ended in vain. Yet, although I can perceive the pain he extracts from Mama’s intractable unhappiness, his inexhaustible smile continues to gleam with the rise of every day.

Although the necessitates they provide for us in the internment camp will never quite meet our standards, I hope we will be able to cope through the rougher times and welcome the new in ecstasy.  For beneath the inadequate provisions and crudely constructed encampments, I believe there are lessons to be learned and places to be going. 

Though I must admit the cafeteria's sweetened rice now clings to my throat and Mama's detest for the bathroom's lack of privacy is understandable, a certain joy finds its way to my heart whenever I see families put away their own cares aside for the community - the greater good.

Manzanar, as the camp calls itself, challenges its inhabitants to new levels by creating a atmosphere of incompetence and inability. Yet, if one withstands the barriers and plants her seeds along the obstinacy, there will come a time in which even the expected becomes unexpected.  

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